Continuation of my posts about EuroSciPy 2016. First part can be found here.

Talks part I (day 3)

Writing code for science

Best practices for writing code for science. Most of the advice is similar to that of software engineering (e.g. use version control, write functions, refactor, write tests, etc.). However, writing code when doing science does differ from conventional software engineering practices. You want to have a fast feedback loop when doing experiments, so therefore Python and IPython notebooks are ideal. However, you don’t always want to over-engineer your code when you’re just doing experiments and trying things out. The danger in having everything in a nice module or package is that you may become overly dependent on existing code and that leads to loss of progressiveness, which is something we don’t want in research. So it’s a bit of a tradeoff between having nice code and doing research efficiently (which may not even be mutually exclusive…).

Object detection

On how to use deep learning to do object detection. All I remember was the last slide where the program was used to detect cat faces.

Explicit state

State is basically information at a moment in time that your program uses. If your program depends on state a lot your program will be hard to reason about. Stateless (e.g. functional) programming can be nice, but not always practical. Make state and side-effects explicit in your code, e.g. through docstrings or through a decorator or separating them into functions. That will help manage state.

Jupyter and its horizons

In the beginning there was IPython. Then it grew and grew and became very large. In 2015 it was decided to split up IPython in separate packages ( “The Big Split”). The notebook part was consolidated in the Jupyter project and is now just called Jupyter notebook. Because it’s now not only for Python anymore, Jupyter notebook also supports a plethora of other languages, such as Ruby, Julia, R, etc. Some future plans for Jupyter include: new dashboard view for notebooks, JupyterHub for hosting notebooks.

Lattice-Boltzmann fluid simulations using walBerla

Lattice-Boltzmann simulations are a type of computational fluid dynamics methods. They are typically used at the mesoscopic scale, whereas for example the well-known Navier-Stokes equations are used for macroscopic simulations, and at the microscopic scale things like particle methods are used.

Laplacian operator

Moste PDEs cannot be solved analytically so you need to solve with numerical methods and discretizing space. The Laplace operator is key in the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid flows. The discretization used the octree data structure using. For the grids they wrote a Python program called PABLitO which is a wrapper around another program caled PABLO. For communcation between meshes MPI using mpi4py was used.


Library for separating audio. In the demo we could hear how drums were removed from a music sample. Interesting to note: they extended the numpy.ndarray which is apparently not that easy if you want to catch all corner cases ( and they still weren’t completely sure they caught everything…).

Talks part II (day 4)

Open Science, Lessons from Open Source

Keynote from Abigail from Mozilla who talked about the role of “open” in software and in science. Making your project more open is not only about open source, but also about trying to make it as inviting as possible for people to contribute to your project.


Glue seemed like a pretty awesome program. It’s an application with a GUI where you can select multiple data sets, and not only plot them, but also link data sets together using relationships/connections that exist between them. What’s impressive is that you can select and highlight parts of the data that you’ve plotted and the linked (and plotted) data sets will also highlight accordingly.

Async with magics

An overview of the various IPython magics. These are special commands in IPython which are used to control it and always start with a % symbol.

Emergency room with Python

The speaker was a PhD student in medicine who who used Pandas to analyze data from patients from the emergency room. She was able to use it to predict patient trends.

Pure data and clean architecture

FP related talk. The talk was about keeping your application core clean and functional, and isolating your stateful logic to the outher layers, i.e.: “functional core, imperative shell”.


Vuesz is a graphical scientific plotting package which was made out of frustration of existing packages that didn’t meet the author’s needs. It is implemented using Numpy and PyQt. The plotting itself is custom built for Vuesz.

Docker cluster computing

Mostly an introduction to Docker itself and how to use Docker with Kubernetes to do cluster computing.

Data Science, Python and the Functional Programming Revolution

Yet another FP related talk. In this talk the usage of FP in data science was reviewed. The mathematical expressions used in data science are often elegantly expressed in FP using minimal rewriting of those expressions. This can also be accomplished in Python by using a more FP style of programming: for example by using list comprehensions, map, Numpy expressions (e.g.: numpy.where).

Using the dask library you can also easily parallelize your code. Dask also seems much easier to write for compared to parallelized Cython or Numexpr.

Sprint (day 5)

I attended the sprint for pandas, the Python data analysis library. Although I don’t work with pandas that much, and when I do it’s mostly simple stuff, I really liked the various data analysis functionalities it provides.

This was the first time I actually participated in a sprint so I didn’t have any high expectations of doing anything remotely useful, nonetheless, I managed to get a commit into pandas, which is pretty awesome. Granted, it was just some trivial changes to the documentation, but I did learn quite a bit from the whole experience. The documentation generation is not that trivial in larger open source projects like pandas. The documentation is generated using Sphinx, however some of the code examples are actually executed by Sphinx using the ..ipython:: directive. So this is a nice way of checking if the examples in your documentation agree with your actual code.